Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Alumnus talk Public Relations

Texas State University alumnus share their Public Relations stories

By A’Naiya Davis

 Photographed by A’Naiya Davis

SAN MARCOS, Texas—On Tuesday, the Texas State Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America hosted an event in conjunction with Mass Communication Week named “The best for and by Bobcats: PR Cases”.  The event allowed students to have small group discussion, with four Texas State University alumnus that graduated with a degree in Public Relations. During each discussion, students were allowed to ask questions, request advice, and pick the alumnus’ brains.

During the event students were granted the opportunity to talk to Sarah Sutton, an account coordinator with Hahn Public Communications. Sutton, a 2015 graduate, summarized her favorite PR case and shared her journey with Hahn Public Communications. Sutton stated, “I interned at Hahn during Spring of 2015. I was not granted a job opportunity as soon as I graduated because of budgeting, so I moved back home to Dallas. 2 months later, they called me with a job opportunity and I moved back to Austin.” Sutton told students that she fell into Infrastructure PR

Sutton talked about her work with companies around the Southern United States, as well as, the material she was taught during her time at Texas State that applies to her job now. “At Hahn, we use the PESO model in public relations. PESO stands for paid, earned, social and owned,” said Sutton. She also emphasized that Hahn Public Communications began as one of the oldest Advertising firms in Austin, but since has included Public Relations, Marketing, Graphic Design and etc.

When asked, a freshman who wished to not be named stated, “I actually came to this session to see what PR was about and this actually gave me good insight on what PR actually is”. For more information about Hahn Public Comunications, you can access their website at http://www.hahnpublic.com/

A’Naiya Davis is a Public Relations major at Texas State University.

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